Perception- Defining YOU !
Thoughts as grains of sand when meet the flexible flowing water- mind, Formation of a design starts- behind our eyes, Places we see, People we sit with, Shows we watch and the content we read, Reflects and firms our 'design' - that is the perception we build. As in darkness we attempt to find where the light is, Perception gives light to our sight- enabling us to see and find how our world is, No rule prevails on what a right perception is, The world has plenty of codes for us- the test is how we decipher it. Neither can be destroyed nor it can be stolen, Power lies only in modifications and new creations, It can determine the level of our sapience, Perception- The lever of all our life decisions. Stroke of kajal shuns the evil eye, still Black is ominous ? Death is sacred, still the Land of buried souls is eerie, Why get nervous ? God gifts life- the blood nourishing an unborn, how come label it impure...