Stock Markets: Designed for the "Smart and Strong" ✨

Amidst the fight of bulls and bears, be like an eagle,

Greed and fear block our goals, make sure they don't mingle,

Listen to all advices but follow your own convictions,

'Unbiased and realistic'- this is how the market functions. 

Sentiments decide the colours 'green and red',

Be Alert, Be Calm inspite of any trend, 

Research,Review,Revise as great gains expect quality and time, 

Without ups and downs, the stock market has no life. 

" Future is difficult to predict but yes, it is possible to estimate it. " ✨

"Believe in the business- it will definitely make you shine."πŸ’™

Cheers to markets, Cheers to Big money !! πŸ‘


  1. Great going Bitta ...πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘never thought. Poem can be done on marketing as well ..! Very good thought ! Keep up πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘☀️And make the sun shine future with good thoughts, good and smart brain, good of course good choice of things and makes bright future πŸ‘πŸ˜Š

  2. Amazing never thought of a poem on markets good jobπŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Very nice πŸ‘ keep going lonnnngg way to go ....awesome skill to express thoughts wishes πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

  4. wah AnjaliπŸ‘πŸ‘its true😊Ishq chhe to Risk chheπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

  5. Very well expressed Anjali ...
    Markets will never be predicted by even the genius yet your simple words convey deep meaning to grab upon !

  6. Thank you for all the lovely comments!!

  7. Yes of course first you have to believe in yourself and your business too.if you are expecting to have huge profit then you should also be ready to face the loss from it too.i agree with your thought and will give you suggestions that keep doing your efforts in proper direction .deeds with good intentions will always blessed by God.

  8. Very nice and bold advise based on reality.

  9. The poem is too Awesome loved to read it and as covered all the aspects related to stock markets.
    Well done Anjali keep writing and posting such good stuffs


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