Politics: The Game 'OF' and 'FOR'- "POWER"

Beyond the definitions of 'just' and 'unjust'- there resides Politics,

Diplomacy dominates- Heart forbids emotions to mix,

Deeds depend on situations- there is no rule book to follow,

This game requires sharpness & stability- whether there be happiness or sorrow. 

Throne holds the power but power is accompanied with responsibilities,

A good player plays his cards wisely and strategically,

Call it dirty,Call it deceptive- this game requires guts to face the field,

Democracy or dictatorship- which is the right thing you feel ? 

Politics makes you understand that some things are bound to stay 'GREY'. 

-Anjali Shah 


  1. This poem is on point, well done Anjali πŸ‘

  2. Oh wow very well done πŸ‘ poem on politics WOW ... beautiful wording mind blowing bittu keep up ... going great πŸ‘πŸŽŠ

  3. This is awesome!! Great choice of wordsπŸ”₯

  4. Thank you everyone for the lovely feedback. Any suggestions on the topics, please let me know. 😊

  5. A poem on something we'd never even imagine writing a poem about! 😡 loved it... 😍♥

  6. Very nicely written and thought provoking. Come to think of I would like to go with legislate like a democracy and execute like a dictator


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